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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

7 Ways to Find Peace of Mind and Inner Calm

You're reading 7 Ways to Find Peace of Mind and Inner Calm, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

inner peace

All our life, we keep on seeking the peace of mind but it is important to understand that it is not something we can buy or seek. We often get indulged in the process of seeking peace rather than attaining it. Happiness or peace is not something we can grasp, it comes from within. Yes, of course, we can try to meet people we love or buy things we like but peace is not just confined to materialistic pleasure.

In this process of seeking peace and calm, we chase people, we get inclined towards things which we guess could get us into a better position but truly one cannot chase or grasp peace. Have you ever met someone who remains calm most of the time? Who does not react abruptly even if something bad happens? Maybe that person is at peace and so nothing easily disturbs him or her.

The definition of peace could vary like one might like to sit at home with a cold coffee, watching Netflix or one might want to explore the world. It differs but it does not mean seeking peace in the next moment. Maybe the next job could be better, maybe another relationship, moving to a different city or place could give us peace is not a good state of mind.

If we keep on doing this, we are stuck in the loop of seeking peace. In this process, we feel lost and dull. Our entire personality is devastated as we are too busy discovering things about others but not ourselves. If you want peace, start living in the present, it is important to realize the importance of momentary happiness. When you start living every moment, when you start understanding the importance of present and start living every moment to the fullest, you start taking steps towards attaining peace.

We often come across people who are suffering from depression or stuck with regular panic attacks or anxiety, the reason is they believe that peace or happiness is in the next moment. There is no next moment. When you start getting sure about things, when you decide to end your confusion and take a step towards living the life right now, you are following the correct path.

It is normal to keep on looking for happiness but peace is different. You have to collect a lot of happy moments to get close to the calmness your mind deserves. Yes, you can implement certain rules in your life that could make your life a little easier. You can check out some of the important ways by which you can try to develop a state of mind that is calm and peaceful.

How to find Peace and Inner Calm?

Yes, it is a fact that we cannot calculate and find peace. It does not have any blueprint yet we can practice some activities that can at least help us to get over the temporary problems we are dealing with. You can check out some of the common ways to deal with it. Have a look, try to read, understand and implement in the process of seeking a better life ahead.

Stop Being too Serious

Why so serious? You must have come across this famous line. Eventually, it is not just a dialogue, it is a philosophy itself. It is good to be serious in life and take important decisions yet it is not a great idea to take yourself too seriously. It is important to know how to turn a problematic situation into a good one. We often criticize people who prefer being humorous and solving out things but probably they are the ones living their life to the fullest.

If you are serious enough to make commitments, you should also know the ways to figure out things if the commitment did not go well. If you are serious all the time, it is a possibility that you might get inclined towards the negative thoughts. You might face many difficulties but if you are dealing with it with a positive perspective, things do not get heated up. Your acceptance level increases and you develop a habit of involving in the situation positively.

Increase the Horizon of Acceptance

It is important to accept things as they are without adding any extra flavor of over-thinking and assumptions to it. You can wake up in the morning and challenge yourself that everything that comes your way, you would accept it and then react or respond to it. Acceptance is important because without accepting you cannot respond appropriately. You must listen to everything the other person is saying, you must observe and then analyze and then react. When we stop accepting things, it leads to unnecessary quarrels and not needed worries. So, try to listen, accept and then react.

Be You!

You might be messy one day and classy on the other. So, try to accept that a bad day does not make you a bad person. You must accept yourself, all your flaws, confusion, doubts and mess is yours and you should never be ashamed or embarrassed to accept it. Make sure that you do accept all your imperfections and strive to make it better. Be sure that only you can turn your imperfections into perfections.

Don’t be too Harsh on Yourself 

You would come across many situations in life when you would question your existence? But wait a minute before doing it. It is ok if you made any mistake; it is ok if you are not doing well. Try to be your best friend. Do not ever question your self-esteem, you can do wonders.

Permit Yourself to Feel

You must feel everything. Make sure you go through every phase; make sure you cry your heart out when you need to. Make sure you laugh out loud when you are feeling like too. The power to feel is everything. You must understand that numb is not good. Allow yourself to feel what you like to, what you want to.

Get Over the Past

Most of us are not at peace because we are stuck in nostalgia. You must understand that you should not cling to the past and ruin your present. Try to forgive yourself for all the pathetic decisions you took, all the bad people you gave chance to. It is ok to be not perfect. Make yourself feel comfortable by letting out all the bad memories. Try to revive the energy, make sure you do not hold any past grudges. It is important to know the importance of ‘let go’

Meditation is helpful

Apart from all the above activities, self-care is important too. You can try mediation to avoid panic attacks and anxiety. You can play a soothing track, try to calm down, relax and meditate. Allow yourself to feel everything. Research shows that meditation gives you proper space and time to think, feel and act. So, do not hesitate and try to build a tension-free world for yourself.

We have tried to explain some of the vital ways to get over the problems you have been facing. Once you take a step, some changes take place. When you choose light over darkness, happiness over sadness, Love over hatred and acceptance over assuming, you are all set to go.

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You've read 7 Ways to Find Peace of Mind and Inner Calm, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

by shwaasaguru via Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement

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